Friday 11 November 2011


Here we made a quick storyboard to help us decide the sort of scenes that we would need to capture to create the thrilling film trailer we desire. The stills in the storyboard will help us plan what clips we think that would be relevant to the genre of a thriller. Also we tried to include what we believed was necessary in a film trailer.

The first image we created is to show the death of the main characters husband. However from this clip you maybe able to tell the death is of a loved one, but not necessarily who. Also the army uniforms gives the idea of how this person has died. We decided to include this shot so that it gave a reasoning of our main characters depression, which would eventually lead to her illness. In this shot we decided that we may use a birds eye view on the open grave and the coffin. Then we would use a close up to give greater detail and show the emotion of the main character.

The second image we created shows the baby, this introduces another character into the film. As well as showing the main character who has tears of joy, as she has a new son. This image is quite positive and bright. This is to help create a contrast with the rest of the film trailer. Also to show the contrast in the genre itself. We added a close up of the main characters face, to show how they are tears of joy and the brightness of this moment.

The third image shows a sudden contrast and change. This image is very dark, and negative. The non-diegetic sounds have become tears of sadness rather tan joy. This negative and dark shot begins to represent an atmosphere fear of death rather than new life like the shot before. Therefore this clips is the opening into representing the genre of a thriller.

The fourth image introduces the company. We decided to use a dark background as this is used in many thrillers as it link to the genre itself. We decided that we would use a bright or pale font color so that it would contrast and be clear for the audience to read. We shall use this font and background through out to keep the trailer recognizable and continuous. Also the dark background, is quite mysterious and can often be linked with the idea of danger.

The fifth image shows the woman having the dreams. These dreams play a big part in the plot of our story and will introduce a thrilling atmosphere. The surrounding will be quite dark and mysterious which also links with the genre. This clip also introduces part of the story line, this allows the audience to determine whether this is the type of thriller they will enjoy watching.

The sixth image shows the image of the police vehicle. This will add the action side that can often be represented in a thriller. This will hopefully introduce, the intense nature of the plot; which links to the thriller itself. Also it will raise questions in the audience; which will make the audience watch the film to hopefully find the answers. This image is part of the persuasion that is found in a trailer.

The seventh image is of the font and background again. This time the text is the actors/actresses name. This will hopefully make it appeal to a wider audience, gaining people who may just watch the film as they are fans of the actors/actresses. Once again there ill be a clear contrast making it stand out. We found that showing the actors name was popular in each deconstruction whether it was a thriller or a completely different genre, therefore we believed it was necessary to add it to our trailer.

 The eighth image is a repetition of the dream scene. As a group we found that in the deconstruction there was a repetition of similar scenes or shots, which made it easier for the audience to remember the trailer.  The editing we decided might work would be of a flashy and fast pace, this will hopefully build up tension and suspense for the audience. Also it once again adds a continuous feel to the trailer. Although it is a repetition there is a change in the fact that the figure will become a bit clearer.

The ninth image is once again of the font and background. This will make it recognizable to the audience because of how often it will be used ad repeated. This is something will also noticed in the deconstructions, thus deciding it was best for our film trailer too. This image will also be clear like the other texts.

The tenth image shows an extreme close up on the eyes of the main character. This idea is very similar to the image in black swan. Accept our main character will have blood shot eyes that look sore rather than evil. This is to create a discomfort in the atmosphere for the audience. Also it will show the sadness and confusion in the expression of the main character, which will hopefully make the feelings of the character very obvious to the audience.

The eleventh image shows an image of a ward. This is to show the sub genre of the thriller and to give an idea of the film and what makes it a thriller. The setting will be great dull and grey which adds a negative mood for the audience. This diegetic sound of the door shutting will create a shock and will hopefully make the audience jump and create tension; like most thrillers aim to do.

The twelfth image

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