Friday 10 February 2012

Evaluation 3;

3.    What have you learned from your audience feedback? 

From our audience feedback we learnt that we had been quite successful in promoting the film, with the use of film trailer, posters and magazine cover. Each one of these devices achieved their purpose at advertising the new film. 
However one thing that we learnt that needed changing was that the genre could often get confused with thriller. These two genres are quite difficult to tell apart as can be shown in our deconstructions of the horror ‘Insidious’ in comparison to the thriller ‘Black Swan’. A reason for this could have been because of the use of red; this links to the idea of blood which is effectively gore. However we used red to represent the idea of death and mainly to show danger. We could improve on showing the genre more by possibly changing the colour scheme and the image that has been used for the poster. This is due to the fact that the image on the poster represents blood. This links to the idea of audience theory. This is because audience theory looks into why this would be aimed at a certain audience and how they would react. Therefore if we have confused the audience into thinking that they will be viewing a horror and then they see a thriller this will be quite shocking. Also it might be considered as false advertising.
One theory is the hypodermic needle theory, this suggests that the audience receive the media text without actually trying to make sense or challenge the data being received. This is different from our audience theory as we found that from our results that the audience have been challenging the data as they have clearly shown there might be confusion between two genres. Therefore suggesting a stronger idea of reception theory as this suggests that the produces code the media texts and the audience de codes them in their own way.  

Also something else we found in the results of audience feedback questionnaire is that the majority found that the trailer maybe a bit short for a theatrical trailer. A theatrical trailer is a film trailer that may appear in a cinema. Therefore we would consider possibly adding a few more clips. This is because we wanted the clips to almost flash to help create suspense representing the thriller genre. Also we would want to keep the fast pace that is conventional of a film trailer.   

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